I've been writing for a few years now and I realised I'd managed to create a lot of content. Nearly 100,000 words in fact. Medium has been a great place for me to cut my teeth but I realised it doesn't have what I'm looking for longer term. There's too much content and it's too hard to navigate. I'm also not a fan of paywalls and want to be able to provide access without resorting to ads.
Having a new home will also allow me to:
Make content free to access
Allow me to organise by tags and categories
Allow people to find content more easily
Share video content (for example conference talks)
Create online courses to share some of the teaching I've been doing over the last few years
This is stuff which a lot of people have told me is useful and so I'm going to start the process of moving it across to andzEDU.org. Why andzEDU you say? Back at Google there was engEDU for engineering education and later apwEDU, founded by my friend Andrew Widdowson. Who was the inspiration for me to start sharing my knowledge with people - first in the form of informal talks, then formal talks and finally writing it into blogs.
If people like what I'm doing then maybe they'll buy me a coffee.